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Make Money Selling Second-Hand Books in the UK

Make Money Selling Second-Hand Books in the UK

Selling used books is one of the easiest ways to make money online and a great way to declutter your home. In fact, selling used books can exceed 100% profit on several occasions. The rise of the internet and e-commerce has helped to popularise the second-hand book market.

Research shows that the second-hand book market is growing by 8 to 10% a year. Today, there is no stigma to buying second-hand books. Most people have come across unique books such as Harry Potter first edition, Hobbit first edition, and Adam’s Smith “The Wealth of Nations.”

Want to know where you can sell your old textbooks, paperbacks, and hardcovers?

In this post, we’ll discuss the top 5 marketplaces to sell your second-hand books in the UK.


If you’re looking for a hassle-free way to turn your second-hand books into cash, this is for you. WeBuyBooks is an online portal that offers a stress-free method of selling your unwanted books. The service also allows you to sell your CDs, games, and DVDs too.

WeBuyBooks is one of the leading second-hand book recyclers in the UK. For several years, the company has helped customers to declutter and clear space in their homes. While assisting others in downsizing the rising towers of second-hand books, they have passed the joy of reading to others.

Selling your books at WeBuyBooks is easy. Visit, and click “Sell Items.” Enter the book’s ISBN or scan the barcode. You’ll receive an instant quote. Click to accept the offer and select a payment method.

Currently, WeBuyBooks supports the following payment methods:

  • PayPal
  • Cheque
  • Bank Transfer

Package the books, print a postage label, and post for free. You can do so with a designated courier. Once the quality staff at WeBuyBooks receives the package, they’ll inspect, and if everything checks out, you’ll get paid. Payment is within three days of checking your items.

WeBuyBooks has an Android and iOS app.


Momox is another online site where you can sell second-hand books. Founded in 2004, the site sold more than 190 millions items. They’ve sold audiobooks, child books, school books and textbooks.

To sell your unwanted books, visit and in the space provided, enter the ISBN The site will display a quote. The next step is to send your items to Momox. Find a box, package your items, print a postage label and send them for free.

At Momox, staff will receive your package and inspect the items. If the items are ok, you’ll receive payment. There are several benefits of selling your old books at Momox.

First, Momox helps you get rid of your old books without leaving your home or desk. Second, Momox eliminates the middleman or bargain traders. With bargain traders, it isn’t easy to know how much you’ll get for your old books. But with Momox, you’ll receive a quote instantly.

Third, you can sell your old books in bulk. Just get the quotes, package them and get paid. Lastly, Momox will pay all shipping costs. Basically, you’ll be selling your old books free of charge.

Amazon Marketplace

Earn a passive income by selling old books on Amazon Marketplace. Amazon is the largest e-commerce platform in the world. It was the year 1994 when Jeff Bezos quit his job and launched Amazon in his garage.

Guess what the first item ordered online on Amazon was? It was a book. In the first month of its launch, Amazon sold books to 45 different countries and 50 states in the US. This enabled the start-up to earn $20,000 per week in sales.

Since then, Amazon has expanded its product listing. The online retailer now sells electronics, clothes, video games, home appliances and more.

In the UK, almost 90% of shoppers use Amazon. Most of the shoppers visit Amazon Marketplace once a month.

To become a seller, visit Amazon UK and sign up for a basic seller’s account. There is no monthly subscription fee for a basic seller’s account.

Go to the Settings menu and select “Service Provider.” Enter information about where and when you do business. Add your business name, business address, deposit and charge methods.

You must have a valid checking account and credit card in your service provider account to get paid. To sell your old books, type in your ISBN and click search. When the product comes up, click “Sell Yours,” select the condition of the book( new or used) and Amazon will display the lowest price and shipping costs.

If anyone buys your book(s), you’ll be informed to ship the book(s).

We also recommend the Amazon Trade-In program.

Learn more about selling successfully on Amazon.


AbeBooks is a global marketplace for fine art, collectables and old books. The portal facilitates the sale of books by connecting sellers and buyers around the world. To sell your old books, visit and click “Sign Up Now.” Fill in the following details:

  • Email
  • Password

Click “Create your AbeBooks Account.” Provide the following information to complete the seller’s application:

  • Name of your business
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Credit card
  • Bank information (to receive payments)
  • Tax information
  • Description of your business
  • Types of products to offer

For a low monthly subscription fee, your items will get listed worldwide. Not only that, you’ll get paid weekly via electronic funds transfer.

AbeBooks allows you to set your own shipping rates and speeds. Thanks to these unique features, you can offer the best value to your customers. How you may ask. By tailoring shipping options to meet your customers’ needs.


Sell your books online with Ziffit. Start by downloading the Ziffit app to your Android or iOS device. Scan the barcodes using the app. If you scan more than ten items successfully, you’ll complete your trade.

You also have the option of filling in the ISBN, and once your cart reaches £5, you can complete your trade. Ziffit accepts a wide range of titles, from textbooks to the latest fiction releases.

Select your preferred payment method. Ziffit currently supports the following payment methods:

  • PayPal
  • Cheque
  • Bank Transfer

Ziffit acceptance rates are usually based on availability, demand and market conditions. If Ziffit does not accept your book(s), check again.

The quality control team at Ziffit checks all books. They calculate the weight and offer you the option of using their drop off service or the courier collection service. Both are free of charge.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve decided to sell your old books online, be honest about the condition of the books. Your buyers will not be happy if you misrepresent the state of your books. It’s crucial to invest in packing materials and a thermal printer for printing postage stamps.

Don’t forget to record the tracking numbers. The tracking number allows you to track the items and communicate with the shipping company. Lastly, have a plan to spend the money from your book sales.
